Guild vs World [GvW]
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Guild vs World [GvW]

A forum for the purpes of the Guild vs World, Guild wars 2 Guild
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 Guild vs World

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Antall Innlegg : 8
Join date : 2012-09-09

Guild vs World Empty
PostSubject: Guild vs World   Guild vs World EmptyTue Sep 11, 2012 7:20 am

We are a small yet paced and social guild on the server named Underworld, we have members with allot of MMO experience and try to use this in a way to benefit our goal. We have core dungeon groups which we run dungeons with, do 5v5 tournaments. We also try to participate in WvWvW as much as possible. The guild is fresh and as anything fresh it needs time to grow (rome wasn't built in one day) therefor we strive together as a guild creating bonds and gain experience as we venture through the game. WE ARE GUILD VS WORLD [GvW]

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